Exterior V-Cladding - 100% British Recycled Plastic
A New Standard for Cladding

The arrival of Kedel v-cladding sets a new standard for building and refurbishment projects. Kedel V-Cladding is manufactured from blown extruded polystyrene waste, to produce a very high-quality synthetic wood cladding, that needs never present cladding as the downmarket finish it has come to represent.
Kedel's synthetic wood v-cladding can be extruded to any length required for the job. Our standard length is 3 metres and can be produced up to 4.8 metres.
Any colour is possible, and it can mimic any kind of wood. Light Oak and Mahogany come as standard, but you can specify white, Green, Dark Oak, or any colour you need (subject to quantity).
This innovative product for replacement and maintenance of cladding will considerably reduce building maintenance budgets.
We expect initial costs to be recouped in 2-5 years. Long-term maintenance costs are likely to be very low, to zero. It maintains its appearance for many years, never requires painting, varnishing or preservative. The colour and finish are embedded in the recycled product during manufacture.
The U value, of Kedel's Synthetic wood v-cladding, is higher than for the wood equivalent and has excellent insulation properties. It does not rot or attract insect infestation and is UV resistant.
Recycled and recyclable
This is a maintenance free, highly durable product, which will look good and last about 50+ years. Being made from recycled British sourced plastic it carries a low carbon footprint. Recycled plastic uses 66% less energy, 90% less water and produces 250% less greenhouse gas (carbon dioxide) in production, when compared to virgin plastic and can be recycled again at the end of its life.
Around 80% of our used plastic goes into landfill and besides the outrageous wastefulness of it, the cost is not sustainable even if space could be found for it. Only 7% of the plastic we use gets recycled and 8% is incinerated. This is also not sustainable and we hope to encourage more consumers and professionals to make use of it in v-cladding and wherever appropriate for all refurbishment and new build projects.
Kedel V-Cladding is one of the best performing materials you will find on the market, and utilising it for refurbishment and new build projects is both ecologically sound, as well as economically viable.